General Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction

    1. The following General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “the Agreement”) apply exclusively to all transactions, contracts, and business relationships with Baksta UAB, a company located at Eisiskiu Sodu 18-oji St. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania, with company code 306038128 (hereinafter "Baksta" or “the Company”).
    2. This Agreement governs all transactions and business relationships conducted through any online or electronic platform, such as, or via mobile applications and associated application programming interfaces (API) or applications.
  2. Definitions

    1. “Account Holder”: The individual or entity that holds and operates a Client Account.
    2. “API (Application Programming Interface)”: A set of tools and protocols for building software and applications that interact with the Baksta Systems.
    3. “Client(s)” : An individual or legal entity that has registered and verified their account with Baksta to use its services and whose account has been approved by Baksta.
    4. “Baksta System(s)”: The online and electronic platforms, including websites, mobile applications, and APIs, through which Baksta offers its services.
    5. “Cryptographic Blockchain-Based Digital Information Units”: Digital assets that utilize cryptography and blockchain technology, including but not limited to tokens and cryptocurrencies.
    6. “Fiat Exchange Services”: The exchange of a specified amount of fiat money for a specified virtual currency.
    7. “Force Majeure”: Any unforeseeable and unavoidable events or circumstances beyond the control of the parties involved that prevent them from fulfilling their contractual obligations. Such events may include but are not limited to natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, floods, hurricanes), war, terrorism, acts of government, labor strikes, pandemics, and other major disruptive events.
    8. “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)”: Regulation (EU) 2016/679, a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU).
    9. “KYC (Know Your Customer)”: The documentation and procedures required by Baksta, its Affiliates, or Partners to identify and register the Client. These include, but are not limited to, a passport or ID, a utility bill, and any additional documents that Baksta may require in accordance with applicable law.
    10. “Prohibited Jurisdictions”: Countries, jurisdictions, or territories where Baksta services are not allowed, as outlined in the restricted countries list or due to regulatory restrictions.
    11. “Services”: The services provided by Baksta to Clients through the Website, Client Account, and related channels, including but not limited to any fiat and crypto exchange services.
    12. “Tokens”: Units of cryptocurrency or other digital assets used within the Baksta System.
    13. “2FA (Two-Factor Authentication)”: A security tool for account access that requires two separate forms of identification.
    14. “US Reportable Person”: As defined by FATCA provisions, this term includes:

      1. A US citizen (including dual citizens)
      2. A US resident alien for tax purposes
      3. A domestic partnership
      4. A domestic corporation
      5. Any estate other than a foreign estate
      6. Any trust if:

        1. A court within the United States can exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust
        2. One or more United States persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust
        3. Any other person who is not a foreign person.
    15. “Virtual Asset(s) (crypto assets)”: Any digital or virtual representation of value that can be digitally traded, transferred, or used for payment. This definition excludes digital or virtual representations of fiat currencies. Cryptocurrencies specifically refer to encrypted digital or virtual assets based on blockchain and cryptography technologies, issued and managed in a decentralized manner.
    16. “Website”: Baksta's official website,, or any other websites that Baksta may operate from time to time.
  3. Baksta Services

    1. Baksta offers currency exchange services that enable users to exchange virtual currencies.
    2. Baksta’s services and Baksta Systems are available globally, except in territories where Baksta services are not allowed as per Section 14 herein or due to regulatory and banking restrictions.
    3. Baksta only offers its services to certain types of Clients, such as individuals of legal age who are capable of forming a binding contract and duly organized legal entities that are validly existing under the applicable laws of their jurisdiction of incorporation (the “Eligible Clients”).
    4. The services offered by Baksta include the following:

      1. Fiat Exchange Services: The exchange of a specified amount of virtual currency for fiat money or the exchange of a specified amount of fiat money for a specified virtual currency.
  4. Becoming a Baksta Client

    1. Individuals interested in using Baksta's services must register on a Baksta System by providing valid and truthful information required during the registration process.
    2. To use Baksta services, you, as a Client, must verify your account. The verification processes and requirements are primarily based on security and regulatory considerations, specifically Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. These requirements may change periodically in accordance with the applicable legal framework.
    3. You must ensure that you keep all details of your password confidential and that you act only on your behalf, having created the account solely for yourself. It is strictly prohibited to act as an intermediary, broker, or trustee for any person, or to grant access to your account to anyone other than yourself. As a preventive security measure, Baksta recommends that every Client use 2FA.
    4. Persons who are residents of certain countries, as indicated in Section 11 of the Agreement, may not become Clients due to regulatory reasons. Depending on the respective local regulatory framework, Baksta may also exclude other jurisdictions from its services.
    5. As a Client, you shall:

      1. Ensure the prompt execution of contracts and refrain from any activities that would hinder or endanger such execution.
      2. Immediately report any defects or other problems that you cause or that come to your attention and assist Baksta in resolving these issues.
      3. Promptly update any changes to your personal data (e.g name, address, and email address) by submitting them to Baksta at [email protected] through a registered email address. You acknowledge and accept that Baksta will always use the most recent email address and address provided by you, and any message delivered to these addresses shall be considered lawfully delivered.
      4. Always make sure that you have your 2FA available and in working condition when used by you. If you lose access to your 2FA, you must immediately inform Baksta and follow the instructions provided by the Baksta support team. You acknowledge and accept that such instructions may be delayed depending on the availability of the Baksta support team and that Baksta will not be liable for any claims resulting from such delays. Failure to follow the instructions or comply with the security rules and requirements may result in your inability to access your Client account on the Baksta System. Consequently, your Client account, including any tokens, may remain inaccessible until you can recover or regain the correct 2FA or pass the security procedure implemented by the Company.
      5. You must provide the Company with all reasonable data and information necessary for Baksta to provide its services to you. This includes, but is not limited to, information relating to and evidence of the source and/or origin of funds.
    6. Baksta will make reasonable efforts to review your documents as quickly as possible. However, verification may be delayed due to high activity on Baksta Systems or other factors. As a result, the execution of your requested transaction may be delayed or, if the documents you have submitted are deemed insufficient by Baksta at its sole discretion, may not be executed at all. In such cases, Baksta shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from the delayed or aborted execution of your requested transaction, including but not limited to exchange rate losses.
  5. Client Account

    1. Baksta Systems permit only one account per Client (hereinafter "Client Account," "Baksta Client Account," or "Account"). The creation of multiple accounts is strictly prohibited. In the event that an additional account (the "Double Account") is registered in addition to your initial account, Baksta reserves the right to block the Double Account.
    2. Each Party may terminate this Agreement at any time without any reason by providing the other Party with a written notice of 15 (fifteen) days. During this 15-day notice period, Baksta may restrict the services available to the Client.
    3. Baksta reserves the right to block, freeze, restrict, or close a Client Account, including blocking a transaction, reversing a transaction, suspending a transaction, rescinding a contract or transaction, and causing the loss of any vouchers/ rewards/ bonus/ profit immediately and without further notice to the Client in the following cases:

      1. The Client's death or legal incompetence.
      2. The Client's involvement in bankruptcy or winding-up proceedings.
      3. If the Client receives two warnings for verbal abuse against Baksta’s employees or the Company.
      4. The Client violates any obligations under this Agreement or Baksta has reasonable grounds to believe such a violation has occurred.
      5. Baksta becomes aware or reasonably believes that the Client has not reached the age of majority in their country of residence or citizenship.
      6. The Client seeks to be, is, or becomes a US Reportable Person or a resident of a Prohibited Jurisdiction.
      7. Baksta suspects or has evidence that the Client:

        1. Is using fraudulent means or involved in fraudulent schemes.
        2. Has gained an unfair advantage over other Clients or Baksta itself.
        3. Is abusing any of Baksta’s offerings, including arbitrage unrelated to market inefficiencies.
        4. Was unjustly enriched by using concealed information not disclosed to Baksta.
        5. Manipulates or abuses the market, Baksta’s systems, or defrauds Baksta.
        6. Acts in bad faith during their obligations under this Agreement.
        7. Is guilty, or Baksta suspects they are guilty of malicious conduct, gross negligence, or fraud.
      8. The Client uses different IP addresses from different countries or VPN during transactions without notifying Baksta.
      9. Termination is required under applicable law.
      10. The Client does not or refuses to provide KYC documents or any other verification document (e.g source/ origin or funds) when requested by Baksta.
      11. The Client initiates a chargeback related to funds deposited in his/her account. In addition, the Client conducts his/her business or uses Baksta Systems in a manner that leads to direct debit chargebacks, credit card chargebacks, or violations of regulations of involved banks or credit card companies. If Baksta identifies that the Client created additional accounts following a chargeback dispute, Baksta may terminate the Agreement immediately.
      12. The Client’s funds or payment accounts are used to fund a third-party account.
      13. Baksta has reasonable grounds to believe the Client has more than one non- terminated account open with Baksta.
      14. The Client’s account was funded by a third party; Baksta prohibits third-party payments into the Client’s account.
      15. The Client has been accused of any of the following, including reasonably documented media reports or market rumors: fraud, terrorist financing, money laundering, tax fraud, or any other breach or violation of relevant criminal, administrative, or tax laws in any country; participation in a Ponzi scheme; involvement in matrix programs, pyramid programs, multi-level marketing or other high-risk business practices detrimental to customers; engagement in unlawful activity in any country; participation in prohibited gambling; infringement of intellectual property or proprietary rights; dealing in counterfeit or unauthorized goods; use or distribution of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or substances designed to mimic illegal drugs; production or distribution of illegal adult content and services; or use of unfair, predatory, or deceptive practices toward customers or other persons.
      16. Baksta has been informed of official investigations by any competent public authority, including, but not limited to public prosecutors in the field of criminal law or tax agents, against the Client in relation to fraud, terrorist financing, money laundering, tax fraud, or any breach or violation of relevant criminal, administrative, or tax laws in any country.
      17. The Client uses an account without lawful entitlement to use such an account.
      18. The Client conceals his/her true identity by submitting incorrect and/or untrue data regarding the Client Account or an account with a payment service provider.
      19. The Client manipulates Baksta Systems. Such manipulation includes, but is not limited to, the use of an automated system or any other usage that contradicts normal and typical behavior of human beings, involving certain technology, software, and/or automating systems.
      20. The Client conducts his/her business or uses Baksta Systems in a manner that causes damage, disadvantages, or losses for Baksta and/or impairs any Baksta service.
      21. The Client Account has been hacked, resulting in the unauthorized exchange executed by any Client Account.
      22. Baksta reserves the right to close or restrict the Client's account without providing a reason if required by any competent authority or law enforcement, or if providing a reason to the Client would contravene any applicable laws or regulations.
    4. Notwithstanding the termination, any lawful rights or obligations that emerged prior to or during the termination will remain unaffected, and the Client is required to pay and/or compensate Baksta for:

      1. Any losses incurred during the arrangement or settlement of pending obligations.
      2. Any outstanding fees or due payments.
      3. Expenses incurred by Baksta while providing services under this Agreement or due to its termination.
        This section shall survive the termination of the Agreement for the reasons stated in this section.
        Upon termination of this Agreement, Baksta shall not have any liability towards the Client if the Client has not satisfactorily met their obligations as specified within the terms of this Agreement. Additionally, Baksta reserves the right to fully enforce its contractual rights as stated herein.
  6. Creating a Client Account

    1. To use Baksta services, you must first apply for a Client Account and provide certain information and identification/statutory documents ("KYC documentation"). During the initial registration for a Client Account, you must provide, inter alia, your email address and password. Additionally, it is mandatory to accept the Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and any other relevant documents governing your business relationship with Baksta.
    2. To ensure compliance with applicable reporting requirements in the jurisdictions in which we operate, we may require you to provide additional information and/or supporting documentation. This may include, but is not limited to, source and origin of funds documents, proof of residential address, and additional identification documents.
    3. Baksta reserves the right to reject any new application for a client account at its sole discretion, without disclosing the reasons.
    4. Accounts can be created for either personal or business use. However, it is mandatory that the individual account owner is the same as the bank account holder. For business accounts, the corporate bank account used for transactions must be in the company’s name.
    5. In instances where the bank account holder, from which the funds originate, does not match the owner of the Account, Baksta at its sole discretion, might not process the transfer and return the funds to the original account. Baksta reserves the right to charge a reasonable administration fee for this refund.
    6. The same applies to reverse transactions, where the incoming funds owner does not match the outgoing bank account holder's name. Baksta reserves the right to charge an administration fee for such reverse transactions.
    7. The Baksta Account is strictly for personal use and cannot be used on behalf of another individual or entity.
  7. Exchange Completion and Refunds

    1. Once the exchange conversion is completed and the Client has received the exchanged funds, either in the form of fiat money or virtual currency, Baksta Clients may instantly confirm the status of their completed transaction via a pop-up notification of the executed trade.
    2. For all successfully executed transactions, Clients may also receive a confirmation email that includes the order ID number, amounts exchanged, wallet/card numbers, and the currencies involved.
    3. In addition, the history of completed transactions is reflected in all Client Accounts. Therefore, Clients can view the history of their executed transactions at any time.
    4. Refunds may only be processed for funds deposited by the Clients prior to the completion of an exchange transaction, either from fiat-to-cryptocurrency and vice versa, or from cryptocurrency-to-fiat exchange. Once the exchange transaction is completed, the Clients will not be eligible for any refund.
  8. Risks

    1. As a Client, you understand, agree, and accept the following risks associated with the use of Baksta Systems. These risks include, but are not limited to, the examples set forth below:

      1. Risk of software weaknesses: The underlying software application and software platform, the Baksta Systems, mobile applications and system technology, the smart contract systems and other software and technology involved, as well as technical concepts and theories, are still at an early stage of development and are unproven. There is no guarantee or warranty that the process for receiving, using, and owning cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units will be uninterrupted or error-free, and there is an inherent risk that the software and associated technologies and theories could contain weaknesses, vulnerabilities or bugs that, among other things, cause the complete loss of any cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units, in particular, but not limited to token, euros, or any value of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units.
      2. Regulatory risk: Blockchain technologies enable new forms of interaction. It is possible that certain legal systems apply existing regulations for applications based on blockchain technology or introduce new regulations that have a negative impact on the current setup of the systems and, among other things, lead to significant changes in the / all cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units or any value that any cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units may have. Baksta and its affiliates intend to design, modify and / or adapt the Baksta System technology in such a way that the financial market rules are either not applicable to cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units and / or Baksta System technology or if financial market rules are applicable, Baksta will make every effort to abide with and always comply with all forms of the applicable regulation. Respectively within the regulatory risk category, including changes in Baksta System technology in relation to such adjustments, changes and re-designs may lead to the termination or loss of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units or any value that a cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units may have.
      3. Risk of abandonment/lack of success: The assignment of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units and the development of any cryptographic blockchain-based digital information unit technologies may be abandoned for a number of reasons including a lack of interest from industry, community and / or the public, lack of funding, lack of commercial success or lack of prospects (e.g. caused by competing projects). Respectively even if the Baksta System technology is partially or fully developed and implemented, it can happen that cryptographic blockchain- based digital information units do not receive any functionality.
      4. Risk of theft and Internet vulnerability: The underlying software application and software platform, the Baksta System technology, the smart contract system(s), other software involved, other technology components and / or platforms might be exposed to electronic or physical attacks resulting in theft or loss of tokens or the theft or loss of private data that impair the ability to develop, implement or use Baksta System technology. You should be aware that SMS / messaging and email services are susceptible to spoofing and phishing attacks and should be careful when reviewing messages that claim to be from Baksta. You should always log into your Client Account via to check transactions or required actions if you are unsure about the authenticity of a communication or notice. Note that phishing attacks often occur despite SMS or email or equivalent services, via search engines or advertisements in search engines or other fraudulent links. Baksta takes no responsibility for lost token or other funds due to spoofing, phishing or other equivalent attacks.
      5. Risk of Blockchain Mining Attacks: As with all other public blockchain-based systems, Baksta System technology might be vulnerable to attacks including, but not limited to, double-spend attacks, major mining power attacks, "selfish-mining" attacks and race condition attacks or other mining or non-mining-related attacks. All successful attacks pose a risk to Baksta System technology, the expected proper execution and sequencing of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units transactions, and the expected proper execution and sequencing of software computations.
      6. Risk of depreciation in value/extreme volatility: Since cryptographic blockchain- based digital information units are not comprehensively regulated, the value of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units is assessed differently. The value of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units in whatever form and each token may be subject to extreme volatility and / or the value of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units might drop to zero. As additional costs might be triggered in relation to regulatory or other risks - and if these costs are added to the value of cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units (whatever value you give to the cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units) for the purpose of calculating - cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units may also decrease in value to zero.
      7. General risk: To the extent permitted by law, there is no guarantee / warranty on tokens and / or the success of Baksta System technology, either expressed or implied, and that all tokens are received at the Client's sole risk on the basis of "as is” and “under development” and without, to the extent permitted by law, any guarantees / warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of ownership or implied warranties, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose;
      8. Market and Community risk: You are aware of the risks of soft and hard forks and splitting, including the broad possible changes to Baksta System technology that might be imposed by the market or community on Baksta / Baksta System technology. Market and community risk might also be triggered and accelerated by communities that come together, for example, in online forums to discuss certain investment opportunities and products with the intention of placing jointly organized buy and sell orders, which might lead to strong price fluctuations with a high risk of loss.
      9. Tax risk: The tax consequences of the allocation or acquisition of token (in whatever form) as well as the exchange of token, holding of token (in whatever form), the alienation of token (in whatever form) and / or other actions or transactions in connection with tokens might have tax implications at the level of a Client; therefore you should consult your own tax advisors regarding the tax consequences in connection with the tokens and the Baksta System technology; by submitting a Client offer to Baksta, and / or receiving, using or holding token, and to the extent permitted by law, you are consenting to not include any related parties (including Baksta, Baksta's auditors, Baksta's contractors, Baksta's consultants, Baksta’s employees or Baksta’s founders) liable for any tax liability in connection with or arising out of the making of a Client offer, the allocation, use or ownership of token, or any other action or transaction related to token.
      10. Hacking: Hackers or other malicious groups or organizations may attempt to interfere with the Client Accounts or the Baksta Platform (the “Cyber Event”). The Client hereby acknowledges that Baksta cannot guarantee that it will be able to identify the root cause of any security incident or Cyber Event, therefore, the Client should be aware of potentially critical malfunctions resulting from some inherent cause or an accidental or malicious action.
  9. Warnings

    1. Before using Baksta services, the Clients should carefully consider their financial situation and risk tolerance, seeking advice from an independent financial advisor if necessary.
    2. Baksta does not provide investment, legal, or tax advice. Any decision to exchange digital assets is the Client's own and solely at their own risk.
    3. You use the Baksta Systems at your own risk. Baksta is not offering investment opportunities nor providing any form of investment advisory services.
    4. The exchange rates between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies can fluctuate significantly. These fluctuations can occur rapidly and without warning, impacting the value of your converted funds.
  10. Liabilities

    1. Baksta manages the Baksta Systems with due diligence. However, token exchange systems combine various new areas of experimental technology, and it is likely that interruptions, failures and other problems will arise. Neither Baksta nor any of its affiliates and third parties give any guarantee that such problems will be resolved as quickly as possible. Baksta takes no responsibility other than attempting to find solutions and therefore, assumes no liability for any damage caused by interruptions in a Baksta System, as such interruptions are inherent in an experimental field of technology.
    2. You acknowledge that technology-based systems, such as Baksta Systems, require maintenance and development work. Consequently, interruptions of the systems, both planned and unplanned, are necessary and inherent to the operation of such systems.
    3. Baksta shall:

      1. Be liable to consumers only for direct and foreseeable damage in the event of intent, gross negligence, or in cases of physical harm negligently caused by Baksta.
      2. In no event be liable for indirect damage, consequential damage, damage to other software, lost profits, pure property damage to a Client, or damage to third parties.
      3. In particular, not be liable for damage caused by interruptions in Baksta Systems necessary for maintenance work, to avoid network disruptions, or caused by unavoidable events beyond the control of Baksta and its affiliates (e.g., disruptions of the energy network; regulatory authority interference or on-site visits; strikes, rebellions, environmental causes such as earthquakes or storms; wars or national/international conflicts with or without arms; international or national sanctions against certain products, services, persons, or countries; legal limitations on cryptographic blockchain-based digital information units at any time or place worldwide; network interference, computer failures, or criminal activities by third parties, such as hacking).
      4. Accept no liability and cannot guarantee that the security certificates displayed on a Baksta System are secure.
      5. Not be liable for the loss of user data (e.g., through hacker attacks) that is outside Baksta's control.
    4. Baksta assumes no liability for:

      1. Stored crypto-tokens in a hot and/or cold wallet for a Client.
      2. The Client’s information used for transactions in or out of Baksta Systems.
      3. Transactions in or out of Baksta Systems.
      4. A Client using websites, mobile applications, or services that are not provided by Baksta or any of its affiliates, such as third-party wallet services or other third-party services.
      5. Any user credentials, Client credentials, 2FA data, or other user data. When using websites or services not provided by Baksta or its affiliates, such as third-party wallet services or other third-party services, Baksta expressly disclaims any liability for the performance of these third parties. As a Client, you use these services entirely at your own risk. Funds sent to such third parties cannot be reversed as these parties may be unwilling to do so. Baksta cannot and will not verify the reliability of these third parties. Baksta is under no obligation to contact third parties or resolve any related issues.
    5. Baksta's failure to enforce or exercise any condition, right, or remedy arising from or under this Agreement at any time or for any period shall not constitute a waiver of such condition, right, or remedy. This shall not be construed as affecting Baksta's right to later enforce or exercise it, unless that right is time-barred, expired, or precluded. Any waiver of this nature must be expressly made in writing.
  11. Amendments

    1. Baksta reserves the right to unilaterally modify and/or update the Agreement at any time without notice. The continued use of the service by the Client shall be deemed as acceptance of the most recent version of the Agreement. It is the responsibility of the Client to periodically review the Agreement. In the event of a material change, as determined by Baksta, the Client shall be notified by the Company. The effective date of the change shall be either the date the notification is sent or the date specified in the relevant notification.
  12. Governing Law

    1. The relationship between Baksta and the Account holder shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Lithuania. The Account holder agrees that the courts of Lithuania shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from or related to this relationship.
  13. Data Protection

    1. Baksta and third parties working with Baksta shall manage the personal data of the Client (including its shareholders, beneficial owners, advisors, and/or employees) in accordance with the requirements of applicable data protection laws and regulations, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”).
    2. The Client consents to Baksta collecting and processing personal data and other information necessary to access and use the service.
    3. Baksta is committed to ensuring the protection of all personal information it holds. Baksta recognizes its obligations to update and expand its Agreement and other related policies to meet the developing requirements of the GDPR and similar international or national data protection regulations.
    4. Cross-Border Data: Information collected by Baksta may be stored, processed, and transferred between any of the countries in which Baksta operates or utilizes services, to enable the use of the information in accordance with the Agreement. The Client consents to such cross-border transfers of personal information.
    5. Protecting the Client’s privacy is very important to Baksta. Before accessing and using any of Baksta’s services, you shall be required to review and consent to Baksta’s Privacy Policy.
  14. Prohibited jurisdictions

    1. Baksta does not provide services to certain countries, jurisdictions, or territories, as listed on the restricted countries list at or any other jurisdiction in which it is prohibited from using the service.
    2. Individuals located in or residents of Prohibited Jurisdictions are not permitted to use Baksta services. For the avoidance of any doubt, these restrictions apply equally to residents and citizens of other nations while they are located in Prohibited Jurisdictions. Any attempt to circumvent these usage restrictions by individuals located in or residing in a Prohibited Jurisdiction constitutes a breach of the Agreement.
  15. AML & Sanctions

    1. Baksta expressly prohibits and rejects the use of its services for any illicit activity, including money laundering, terrorist financing, or trade sanctions violations, in accordance with the laws, regulations, and norms of various jurisdictions. Consequently, Baksta services are not offered to individuals subject to any United States, European Union, or other global sanctions or watch lists. By using Baksta services, end users represent and warrant that they are not listed on any such lists.
  16. Miscellaneous

    1. Baksta reserves the right to disclose all data to a competent authority if requested by such authority for the investigation or prosecution of any relevant cases in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
    2. Baksta and the Client agree that English shall be the language of communication. Any other language may be used for convenience purposes only. All notices or communications must be in English. The English language version of this Agreement shall prevail over any other versions.
    3. If any provision of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.
    4. These terms constitute the entire agreement between the Client and Baksta regarding the use of Baksta services and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.
  17. Indemnification

    1. The Clients agree to indemnify Baksta and its affiliates from any claim, demand, action, damage, loss, cost, or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or related to the client's use of Baksta services or violation of these terms.
    2. The Clients shall indemnify Baksta for any losses resulting from the unauthorized use of their account by any person, including losses incurred due to hacking, phishing, or any other unauthorized access to the client's account.
  18. Intellectual Property Rights

    1. All intellectual property rights in Baksta's services, including but not limited to the website, mobile applications, and APIs, are owned by Baksta or its licensors.
    2. The Clients and other individuals, whether legal or natural persons, may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of Baksta's services or included software. They may not reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of that software unless such actions are permitted by law or the Client has received written permission from Baksta.
  19. Confidentiality

    1. The Clients agree to keep all information obtained from Baksta confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without Baksta's prior written consent, except as required by law.
  20. Force Majeure

    1. Baksta shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement if such delay or failure is due to circumstances beyond Baksta's reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of war, natural disasters, and labor disputes. is operated by Baksta UAB
Baksta UAB is registered in the Republic of Lithuania (Reg. Nr. 306038128) as a virtual currency exchange operator and a deposit virtual currency operator.

Warning: Purchasing cryptocurrency involves high risks, especially when advised by third parties. Always verify the legitimacy of sources and conduct thorough research before making investment decisions. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and can result in significant financial losses. Invest only what you can afford to lose and stay informed about market changes.

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